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What is Ozurdex Injection Treatment?

Ozurdex injection treatment is a treatment option available for correcting macular oedema in a number of eye disorders.

It is a dexamethasone implant that helps reduce inflammation. 

What Conditions Does Ozurdex Injection Treatment Help?

Ozurdex injection treatment is a treatment option for 
It is also used to treat non-infectious inflammation in the back of the eye (uveitis).

Why is Ozurdex Injection Treatment Required?

Ozurdex injection treatment is required to ensure a higher quality of life for the patient. 

As the macular oedema progresses, the patient can experience altered vision including:
  • change of shapes, and
  • blurry vision. 
If the treatment is not provided, the associated growth of new blood vessels in the eye and edema can result in scarring and loss of central vision. 

Who is Ozurdex Injection Treatment Suitable for?

Generally most people are suitable to receive this. 

Extra caution is advised in patients who are pregnant. 

Steps in Treatment

Ozurdex treatment is conducted in our rooms. At your appointment, your retinal specialist will perform the procedure typically using the following steps:
  • perform tests to check the condition of the eye such as asking you to read an eye chart
  • administer eye drops to numb your eye before the injection
  • clean your eye with antiseptic to prevent infection
  • apply a specialised tool to gently hold your eyelids open 
  • the doctor gives the Ozurdex injection into the eye using a special applicator (you do not see the needle itself and the procedure does not hurt)
  • the anaesthetic and antiseptic are then washed out of the eye
  • an eye patch may or may not be applied after

Post Ozurdex Injection Treatment

After the treatment:
  • have someone drive you home
  • wear sunglasses if your eyes feel sensitive to light
  • try to rest your eyes as much as possible (for at least a few hours)
Ask your retinal specialist if you should avoid any particular activities.

If your eye feels sore, uncomfortable or gritty, please use the artificial tears recommended by your retinal specialist. You can also take over-the-counter pain relievers. 

If the eye gets more sore, more red, vision deteriorates the next few days, please contact your retinal specialist of the staff.
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